Sunday, November 29, 2009

Facebook - Uses and Gratification

In class, we discussed the article "Explaining why Young Adults Use MySpace and Facebook through Uses and Gratification Theory." As we discussed, the article stated that there were five main reasons why young adults use SNS: efficient communication, convenient communication, curiosity about others, popularity and relationship formation and reinforcement. While I agree that SNS users use these sites for all the reasons list above, I would argue that diversion should be on that list as well.

Let me qualify this. When I say diversion, I do not mean like TV is a diversion, but rather "facebooking" when we should be doing something else, like homework for instance. While I am not sure it fits into the uses and gratification theory, I think that diversion is a use that many of us are guilty of when using Facebook or other SNSs.

It may be a means to an end diversion. Users are on Facebook to do all of the things listed above, but they are sometimes avoiding doing something else (possibly unpleasant - like that research paper we've been assigned) and cruising Facebook instead. I admit that I do it all the time. When I am in the middle of a paper or am staring at a blank screen because I can't seem to start the next assignment, I will click over to Facebook to see what is happening there. I use it in the same way I use TV, wasting time and procrastinating further on what I have to do because I simply don't want to do it.

And I know I am not the only one. In searching my friends posts, there are more than a couple whose status shows that they should be doing something else rather than cruising Facebook, but doing this is far more pleasant. It happens at work as well as once they get home. This may be a different use for those older than the test group in the study, but I think it is something that should be looked at. But then again, my nieces are in the age group of the study and they are guilty of the diversion and delay of Facebook just as much as I am.

Like I said, it may not be the primary reason people use Facebook and other SNS's, but it is definitely a use that many of us are guilty of at least once in a while....


  1. I completely agree. As far as I can tell, Facebook is mostly used by people with desk jobs who want to make time go by.
    I think our nations productivity (or decline in productivity) can be linked to such sites as Facebook, YouTube and other diversion sites.

    For more rants on Facebook, check out my blog.
